The International Catfight Coalition (ICC) is a shadowy and loosely run catfight group with a presence around the world. The ICC has a long history and is an informal group controlled by a broad group of wealthy patrons. These patrons set up groups or arranged matches and over time these groups have banded together more formally to become the Coalition. Most of the ICC’s matches are privately arranged.

The ICC has a number of fighters crowned as champions by these various groups and patrons. These titles are much less formal and are subject to bickering at times between different patrons or organizers within the ICC. This shadowy structure along with what sometimes amounts to taking advantage of fighters has led some former ICC fighters to join the ranks of the AWC. Sometimes these past connections to the ICC are known and sometimes they are not something the AWC is aware existed.

The ICC has for the most part maintained some semblance of secrecy related to the identities of fighters and patrons. Most of the matches sponsored or held in the ICC are rumored to be recorded and maintained in the secret ICC library. This secret stash of recordings sometimes leads to match images being leaked and becoming available to memorialize the ICC’s fights. It is also not uncommon for ICC matches to be followed with extravagant parties and/or private gatherings following the matches. The payouts to fighters for participating in the ICC have been rumored to be fairly significant, but sometimes require post-match activities that a lot of fighters have been unwilling to agree with.